De-addiction Treatment

Substance Abuse is a complex problem having medical and social ramifications which impacts all social strata. It affects not only the user and their families but all sections of the society.

The natural history of addiction involves recurrent cycles of relapse and recovery. In recent years, doctors have begun recognizing that Addiction is a manageable but chronic disease, just like diabetes, asthma or hypertension. Because it is a chronic, relapsing disease, the treatment is not only a way to ‘cure’ your loved one, but also typically requires continuing, long-term ‘care’.

You should look at treatment as a first step in helping the patient.

We, at ‘Changing Life Foundation’, create an environment which helps the patient to develop a positive outlook towards life. The program builds the right attitude with the right frame of mind through Counselling, Group Therapies, specially designed activities, Yoga and Meditation.

We not only enable the patient, but also its Family to understand that substance (Alcohol/Drugs) is not the problem, but lack of ability to cope up with Stress, Anxiety and Negativity is the root cause.

Our program is specially crafted to suit individual needs. The patient gains confidence and strength to face Life’s Challenges.

Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism is diagnosed when drinking causes serious problems in one's life, yet they don't stop. You may find yourself dependent on alcohol physically. It means you need more and more alcohol to get similar type of high. Leaving alcohol may precipitate withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol Abuse is diagnosed when the drinking influences one's life, but you are not dependent on alcohol physically. Alcohol abuse influences work performance, relationships and leads to life threatening situations such drunk driving.

Cocaine Addiction

Do you know that India is one of the largest exporter of cocaine? Do you know tolerance to cocaine addiction develops quickly and it has ability to create the greatest psychological dependence than any other drug?

In India, cocaine has become a status symbol. Due to its high price tag, it is famous among rich urban elite Indians.

Without knowing the side-effects cocaine, more and more corporate workers and teenage youth are using cocaine, majority of them are suffering from cocaine addiction.

Heroin Addiction

Changing life foundation is working on keeping India free from heroin addiction. The Ghaziabad based rehab centre has listed itself as one of the best heroin addiction treatment centres in India.

There are 7.5 crore drug addicts in India, among which over 1 crore are heroin addicts. The drug is readily available across the country because of a large number of illicit cultivation of opium in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and many other states of the country. Moreover, it is importedeasily from the neighbouring countries like Afghanistan.

Marijuana Treatment

Marijuana or cannabis is a depressant drug that induces psychosis. Marijuana has 400 chemical compounds including over 60 cannabinoids contributing the psychopharmacological effects, leading to psychosis. People using cannabis can suffer from psychosis easily than those who don't use it. The compound called THC (tetra hydro cannabinoid) found in marijuana interferes with the brain's ability and can worsen psychotic symptoms in people who are already experiencing psychosis. Long term use of cannabis may increase the risk of schizophrenia. The debate on marijuana can trigger psychosis continues. New researches are going on this topic.